Heavenly Places

I’m flying over a black abyss
I come up to a high cliff
When I fly up over the cliff I see an army of dark shadows

About 100 of them were standing strong looking out to the black abyss
A different kind of shadow came out from them, this shadow was taller, more muscular, he had white eyes, horns, and he was holding a staff in his right hand

He commanded with a shout, “Praise and worship!”

Then all the other shadows started to bend and twist, moving up and down praising and worshiping the dark abyss

The different kind of shadow that came out from them and commanded them, stood there observing them for a moment

Then he lifted up his staff, brought it down to his side, strummed it like a guitar
He started to bend and twist, moving up and down praising and worshiping

I was hovering directly over them
They never knew I was there