Many of Him

Sitting on a row of director chairs there they sat
They were all him

One was green and brown – lust
Another was black and red – anger
Fear sat in all yellow
So many more

Behind the row of the director’s chairs there they stood
They were all him
They were all gray and black
Disobedience, doubt, selfishness, greed
So many more

See who sits on the throne of darkness
It’s him as well
Black and purple wearing a crown and robes fit for a king
So confident and sure

They are cowering now as they look up
What do they see
Look deliverance is on the way

Mighty angels of war come into sight 
Their silver armor and helmet glow with Glory’s call
They fly down fast like lightning with their right fits out 
Hitting all of him, each and every one
Their existence destroyed with one hit

They were all him 
There were so many
Deliverance found him and made him whole